Indigenous Awareness Week – Knowledge Makers Presentation
Exploring Indigenous Undergraduate Research: Perspectives from Knowledge Makers
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Event Details
March 7th, 2024
1 pm – 3 pm
OLARA 2nd Floor
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March 7th, 2024
1 pm – 3 pm
OLARA 2nd Floor
Weytkp Xwexwetep! The past three years have been an adventure, with many obstacles as well as exciting opportunities emerging. Volume 6 was delayed during this time due to COVID and leadership changes but it is officially here! We are so proud of all participants, and extremely thankful for the support…
Last Friday, March 7th, in honor of Women’s Day Knowledge Makers took an international stage during the official launch of Volume 8: Indigenous Women, Indigenous Peoples’ Food and Knowledge Systems, and Climate Action. This special edition was a unique collaboration between Knowledge Makers and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United…
Who are you- the Global Indigenous People? United Nations has no single definition of Indigenous peoples but noted that our identity is deeply rooted in self-determination with shared characteristics that unite us. From the Arctic tundra to the Kalahari Desert, from the Amazon rainforest to the islands of the Pacific,…
Earlier this month we announced the launch of our special edition collaboration with the United Nations Food and Agriculture org. During this launch, we explained the process behind the creation of this journal and all the different components that went into it. Dr. Sereana Naepi could not be there in…
We are thrilled to bring back our coding workshop this fall, thanks to the overwhelming response we received earlier this year. If you missed out last time or simply want to continue building your skills, now’s your chance! Mark your calendars for October 3rd, 2024, from 10:00 am to 12:00…
We are happy to share this wonderful Lunchtime research seminar hosted by TRU’s School of Education Graduate Programs, featuring the knowledgeable Dr. Mukwa Musayett and encourage all to attend! They Call Us Witches and Wizards: The Struggle to Revitalize Traditional Acholi Environmental Plant Knowledge in Africa “Please join us on…